Selasa, 09 Desember 2014

A Love Letter to Tony Romo

A Love Letter to Tony Romo Thank you Tony for being a positive role model, especially at a time when the NFL needs more than a few good men to bolster its damaged brand.

You show us how to do a job with a smile, even in times of adversity.

It is never lost on me that you take responsibility when things don't go exactly the way you want; I never hear you roll your teammates or coaches under-the-bus, even if warranted.

I too am a father of two and adore my kids; I admire your dedication to fatherhood.

Though you and your beautiful wife Candice stay out of the spotlight, I enjoy the few glimpses we get of your affection for one another -- a happy couple in love is a beautiful thing.

As a big proponent of charity, it impresses me how much you do for your community, under-the-radar, such as donating $1 million dollars to a faith-based non-profit that mentors at-risk youth.

We see how you put your body on the line for your team, fighting through pain and injury in the spirit of "doing your job"; it is certainly appreciated but please take care of yourself.

While I am not in the locker room, I am told by others that you are a great leader -- not just by words but through actions such as your unrivaled attention to detail, your work ethic, intellect, integrity and positive attitude that you bring to everything you do.

It is truly astonishing how clutch you have been when the game is on the line, exhibited in the fact that you have the highest fourth-quarter QB rating in NFL history and have orchestrated more late game comebacks than any other QB since 2006. You also have a career quarterback rating higher than Brady, Montana and Marino; only Rodgers and Peyton Manning are ahead of you. While I am at it, congratulations on shattering your childhood hero Brett Favre's record (32) of consecutive games throwing touchdown passes on the road... 39 and counting.

While you do your thing for the Cowboys, I help companies and high-profile individuals manage their brands, images and reputations. I've been doing it for more than 20 years now. I can say, from experience, that you are simply misunderstood, through no fault of your own.

It is my view that a few people made some wrong assumptions about you early on and the "herd mentality" set in: the masses followed the misinformed. If you were my client, I would tell you to keep doing what you are doing -- don't change a thing.

Not a single "Romo hater" has a legitimate reason for their position in my opinion. Sure, you haven't won a Super Bowl, but I highly doubt than any other quarterback would have won a ring on those teams.

It is ridiculous for anyone to care that you wear your baseball cap backwards from time to time.

I do not blame you for dating a cute and successful singer when you were younger and single; I have been accused of being attracted to beautiful, successful women myself. Nor do I believe you erred in marrying Candice Crawford, a former TV reporter and Miss USA contestant, quite the opposite in fact -- way to go!

You are not to blame for allowing Peyton Manning and the Broncos to score 51 points in 2013, especially considering you threw for more than 500 yards and tossed five touchdown passes; nor are you at fault for the many defensive collapses that have defined the Cowboys' mediocrity in recent years.

If I have any criticism, it was your decision to go to Mexico for a quick vacation prior the 2008 playoffs. It sent the wrong message and unnecessarily put you at risk prior to a big game; I am certain that you agree with this position at this stage of your career. Simply, don't do it again.

Tony, I get offended, actually angry, even if you don't, when you are listed among cheaters and criminals as one of the "top ten most disliked athletes." It is frankly ridiculous to even mention you in that company; it is my position that you should be on every list that ranks athletes deserving of respect and admiration.

Please keep smiling, fighting, and being such a good guy on and off the field. I have your back, and I know you would have mine.

Tony, I love you, man.

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